Women’s Wellness Treatments

With Empower RF

EmpowerRF by InMode is the most advanced multi-functional platform delivering excellent women’s wellness therapies. This versatile in-office system provides neuromuscular re-education for weak pelvic floor muscles, relief from stress, urge, and mixed urinary incontinence and pain, improves blood circulation, targets subdermal adipose tissue, and strengthens abdominal muscles.

3 Modalities of Empower RF

Morpheus 8V

Forma V

V Tone

Unsure what treatment is right for you? Want to know if you should combine treatments?

It depends on your concerns and issues! During your consult, we will determine which devices are best for your issues of concern.

V Tone

V Tone is a gentle, FDA cleared technology designed to provide intravaginal electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) and neuromuscular re-education to rehabilitate weak pelvic floor muscles and address stress, urge, and mixed urinary incontinence.

Morpheus 8V

Morpheus technology for the vulva and vagina! RF and microneedling creates controlled changed. In turn, the vagina and vulva are then softer, more elastic, and intercourse is far more comfortable and pleasurable. The tightening action of Morpheus 8V strengthens the anterior vaginal wall, which in turn lifts the bladder and urethra. This results in dramatic improvement in urinary incontinence.

Forma V

This handheld device emits radiofrequency (RF) energy to delicate tissues of the vulva and vagina. It is painless, and uses heat to promote relaxation, collagen production, and decreased dryness.

How Does Empower RF Work?

Check out this video to better understand how Empower RF works.

V Tone FAQs

What is V tone?

This is electromagnetic stimulation for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor helps to support the uterus, bladder, bowel, and colon. It is responsible for supporting the function of urination, bowel movements, sex, pregnancy, and delivery. Pregnancy, childbirth, and age are all things that can weaken the pelvic floor muscles and cause uncontrollable passing of air/wind, painful or lackluster sex, and urinary incontinence (peeing when you sneeze). The V tone helps to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles by simulating Kegel exercises, but at a higher intensity. In a 20-minute treatment, it can create and simulate hours and hours of Kegel exercises. The V tone is like the vaginal gym. By contracting the pelvic floor muscles, it makes them tighter—and since it is a muscle, the more you train it, the stronger it gets.

What to expect with V tone?

This is a 20-minute in-office treatment. Your vaginal region will be numbed with numbing cream, which sits for about 10 minutes. The device will be positioned to sit at the entry point of the vagina at the pelvic floor. It is not uncomfortable. What you will feel is a mild pulling sensation.

What is the recovery life after V Tone?

Recovery is minimal. Sex can be resumed after 24 hours, and we recommend light activity—no running or heavy exercise—on the day of the treatment.

Spotting after V Tone is very rare, and most patients feel mild soreness for about 24 to 48 hours after the session.

This treatment is done as a series of six, spaced apart by two to four weeks. Maintenance treatments are then done every 12 to 18 months.

Morpheus 8V FAQs

What is Morpheus 8V?

Morpheus 8V represents the most advanced technology for non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation. It is FDA approved radio frequency microneedling for vaginal laxity, vaginal dryness, and urinary incontinence. With Morpheus 8V, microneedling coupled with radiofrequency energy is performed on the internal vaginal wall. The result is tightening, toning, remodeling, lubrication, and an improvement in incontinence. This device allows for fractional tissue coagulation, which creates deep and narrow columns of tissue coagulation (deep heating). This stimulates the body’s natural healing response, which means increased collagen, elastin, and healing factors, as well as increased circulation and blood flow. This device is applied to the inner vagina as well as the clitoral hood, inner lips, and outer lips for rejuvenation of these areas as well.

Is Morpheus 8V Treatment Painful?

The treatment is not painful. Topical numbing cream will be applied to the area so patients do not feel discomfort during the procedure.

What to expect from Morpheus 8V?

This is a 15-minute in-office treatment that involves the application of numbing cream that takes about 10 minutes to work. Patients say they experience a mild, warm sensation as the microneedling and RF energy delivery take place.

What is the recovery life after Morpheus 8V?

Recovery is minimal, and sex can be resumed after 72 hours. Try for some light activity—but no running or heavy exercise—on the day of your treatment.

Spotting after Morpheus8 V can happen and lasts about two to three days. Most patients feel mild soreness for about 48 hours after their session. Aquaphor should be placed in and around the vaginal region for three days to prevent itching and irritation.

This treatment is performed in a series of three sessions, each spaced apart by one month. Maintenance treatments are then done every 12 to 18 months.

Forma V FAQs

What is Forma V?

Forma V is a non-surgical modality that rejuvenates, tightens, and strengthens the inner and vaginal tissue, as well as the outer tissue (the vulva) through radiofrequency heating. This is a wand that has an end that delivers uniform deep heating for the remodeling of the vaginal tissue. This can also be used on the outer aspects of the genitalia (the vulva) for tightening of the outer lips, inner lips, and clitoral hood to increase stimulation and exposure during intercourse. This is an amazing device for vaginal rejuvenation that is painless and is associated with minimal recovery.

What to expect from Forma V?

As another 20-minute in-office treatment, Forma V involves numbing cream sitting for about 10 minutes on the treatment area. The device will then be positioned so that RF energy passes through all four walls of your vagina, as well as the inner lips, clitoral hood, and outer lips for tightening and rejuvenation of the entire vulva. This is a painless process, with many patients saying they feel a warm sensation.

What is the recovery like after Forma V?

Patients can resume sex after 48 hours, and we recommend avoiding running and heavy exercise but enjoying some light running on the day of the treatment.

Spotting after Forma can happen and lasts about 24 to 48 hours. Most patients feel mild soreness throughout that timeframe.

This treatment is done as a series of three sessions, spaced apart by one month. Maintenance treatments are then done every 12 to 18 months.